“Hitting The Wall is a dark, urgent rush of surging, surprisingly epic, electro”
Guardian Guide – Pick of the Week
“Great melodies and infectious pop hooks … if only all pop music could be this fun”
iDJ Magazine
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Kid Carpet here with a little big-up for my new single – Hitting The Wall – which is out now on 7″ and download through Sunday Best Recordings, and for its video which sees me as a daredevil stuntman getting repeatedly rammed into a wall by skeletons whilst trying to sing the song, smashing stuff up and then getting fired out of a cannon.
Hitting The Wall the second single off my latest album – Casio Royale – and so-fist-icated, it’s like a smack in the gob. Its heavy, angry, frustrated and pissed off but has sweet keyboard melodies and makes me wanna dance.
Can you imagine the Pet Shop Boys getting drunk on special brew, fighting each other then making up, going raving to celebrate, writing a symphony to describe what happened and getting me to sing on it? Well, this is that track.
I’d been beating my head against a wall for a while when i came up with the concept for the video. Dressed in my best Daredevil outfit, i get my head repeatedly bashed into a brick wall by some skeletons while i attempt to sing the song. We smash a load of stuff up and then i get fired out of a cannon. The results are of course a sight to behold and can be seen on BBC2 on constant rotation any moment now. Please check it out because i am so proud of it –http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=1k3kFzhA7JE
Si Begg has remixed Can’t Stop The Pop for the B-Side of the single. He’s totally re-radicalised it with ultra fresh badboy badness. Thank you Mr Bigfoot Begg. And on the download there’s a Hitting The Wall remix by Scotland’s finest electro heads, Cruiser, which turns the track all gospel. It gives me goose-pimples when i hear it.
To help me celebrate the release of the Hitting The Wall single, my new favourite people and band of all time dan le sac Vs Scroobius Pip are taking me out on tour of the UK throughout October (dates below).
“There’s not just one fence to get over. There’s fields and fields. And trouble’s growing well this year. Hitting the wall.”
7" & Download
A. Hitting The Wall
B. Can't Stop The Pop - Si Begg Hard Pop remix
Download Only: Hitting The Wall - Cruiser remix